cash assistance

Photo by Bob Ghost on Unsplash

We are neighbors who understand that the financial inequalities in our community are unjust. We also know that direct cash assistance is a simple, respectful, and effective way to help people. 

Why cash?

We all need- and deserve- a comfortable place to live, decent clothing, nourishment, and meaningful work. But we all know that for some emergencies, cash might be the only solution. We also know that  sometimes, a little cash can goa long way to help avoid a financial catastrophe.  A  growing body of research suggests that cash assistance is one of the most effective tools for helping people escape poverty. The money we provide has no strings attached; we trust neighbors will use the funds in ways that are best for them.  

How does this work?

We will never have enough money to meet everyone’s needs; the best we can do is to respect everyone involved by making the process simple and transparent. 

Who gets It?

We provide funds on a “first come, first served” basis and do not require documentation, justification, or explanation.  Neighbors in need let us know they have a financial emergency that cash assistance can solve.

How is it funded?

Our ability to provide funds depends completely on the neighbors who choose to donate. We are not a 501(c)3 organization and are therefore almost never eligible for grants. This is about neighbors helping neighbors, not an institution seeking funding.

100% of the money we raise goes to neighbors in need

100% of the work is volunteered

How does the cash get to the neighbors in need ?

We have a system of neighbors providing  cash or using Venmo, CashApp etc. to direct funds to neighbors in need, and then getting reimbursed. We make the system as simple as possible while still using best practices for managing cash transactions.

Cash Assistance Process

Funds become available on the first day of each month. To be eligible, the person in need must call the W4 Cash Assistance Line at 301-244-9793‬ on the FIRST DAY of the month, between 9 am and 11 am.

PLEASE NOTE: we usually receive more than 70 calls and can only help 10-15 people, so we recommend calling between 9am and 9:10am to increase your chances. Any call received before 9 am is ignored. This is the fairest way we have found to distribute the funds.

You will need to tell us your name, your address, and a number where we can reach you.

Here’s what else you need to know. 

  • If you leave a message ANY other time, your call will not be returned, and you will not be eligible.
  • Leaving a message at this number is the ONLY way to be considered for cash assistance.
  • These funds are ONLY for Ward 4 residents currently living in Ward 4.
  • You are NOT eligible if you have received funds in the past 3 months.
  • If we have funds for you, we will call you during the FIRST week of the month. We are a small group of volunteers, so it may take a full week to get back to you.
  • There is NO waiting list. If you did not receive funds, you must try again next month.
  • Please do NOT call other numbers to ask for cash help. Those calls will not be returned.

If you need food, diapers, clothing, or other help, please call the Ward 4 Mutual Aid hotline at 202-643-9206. Thank you!

Proceso de asistencia en efectivo

Los fondos están disponibles el primer día de cada mes. Para ser elegible, la persona necesitada debe llamar a la línea de asistencia en efectivo de W4 al 301-244-9793 el PRIMER DÍA del mes, entre las 9 am y las 11 am.

TENGA EN CUENTA: normalmente recibimos más de 70 llamadas y solo podemos ayudar a entre 10 y 15 personas, por lo que recomendamos llamar entre las 9 a. m. y las 9:10 a. m. para aumentar sus posibilidades. Cualquier llamada recibida antes de las 9 a. m. se ignora. Esta es la forma más justa que hemos encontrado para distribuir los fondos.

Tendrá que decirnos su nombre, su dirección y un número al que podamos comunicarnos con usted.

Esto es lo que más necesita saber.

Si deja un mensaje en CUALQUIER otro momento, su llamada no será devuelta y no será elegible.

Dejar un mensaje en este número es la ÚNICA manera de ser considerado para asistencia en efectivo.

Estos fondos son SOLAMENTE para los residentes del Distrito 4 que actualmente viven en el Distrito 4.

NO es elegible si ha recibido fondos en los últimos 3 meses.

Si tenemos fondos para usted, lo llamaremos durante la PRIMERA semana del mes. Somos un pequeño grupo de voluntarios, por lo que puede llevar una semana completa responderle.

No hay lista de espera. Si no recibió los fondos, debe volver a intentarlo el próximo mes.

NO llame a otros números para pedir ayuda en efectivo. Esas llamadas no serán devueltas.

Si necesita alimentos, pañales, ropa u otra ayuda, llame a la línea directa de ayuda mutua de Ward 4 al 202-643-9206. ¡Gracias!

How does the Cash Assistance Program relate to to Ward Four Mutual Aid’s other work ?

Ward 4 Mutual Aid has three areas of focus:

1) getting food and essential items to neighbors in need

2) supporting our neighbors experiencing homelessness

3) cash assistance (also called direct aid)

Ten percent of the W4MA organization’s budget goes to cash assistance, and the rest goes to the other wonderful programs.


Apoya el esfuerzo

Ward 4 Mutual Aid is 100% volunteer-led and volunteer run. Help protect every member of our community in one of these ways: